
The TwoEye Brotherhood offers a shared meal every day of the year for men who love men in cities around the world.
We are based firstly in the private homes of members in London, England.
Secondly we offer the Daily Gay Community Meal in Auckland, New Zealand.
If you wish to attend, email or text / call 021 388 694

Circle Retreat
As a Brotherhood we regularly create events in nature outside the city to honour the changes in season: Solstice, Equinox, Beltaine, Lughnasadh, Samhain, Imbolc and Full Moon. Here we honour the Great Mother who embodies the female principle, and the Horned One who embodies the male principle. We prepare communal meals together and share our stories around the fire, passing the talking stick as our ancestors have done for over a thousand generations.
At these group events experienced brothers share their experience of RestLove Retreat as a way to healing and spiritual awakening.
At group events there is no organised sexual content. Committed pairs complete their RestLove retreats in nature huts away from the community then come back to the brotherhood to tell what they experienced.