The TwoEye Brotherhood offers the LoveRest Retreat as a path to healing. By filling the internal organs of the torso with loving energy, we have found a solution to physical, mental and spiritual illness.

In the TwoEye Brotherhood we have experienced profound healing and spiritual awakening through RestLove Retreat. This is our primary spiritual practice.

This modality is a meditation retreat method for a committed pair in a remote nature hut. The retreat has two stages:

1. DEWYNNYANSKERENSA: Radiation of Love.  This involves sharing non-sexual loving energy. The body is radiating energy at all times from the front of the torso. By lying side-by-side and facing one another on a mattress, with arms and legs wrapped around each other as well as chests and stomachs firmly pressed together, each person receives this loving radiation from the other person into their internal organs of the torso.

2. UNYANSKERENSA: Union of Love. This involves sharing sexual energy as a committed pair.
We shall outline our experience of the causes of several kinds of suffering -
- Energetic Depletion
- Energetic Nourishment
- Suffering
- Causes of Addiction 
- Causes of Mental Illness
- Causes of Physical Illness
- Causes of Cancer

A Solution: By offering the body all the loving energy and rest that it can absorb RestLove Retreat offers the potential for profound and complete healing.

 In our experience Energetic Depletion is the chief cause of -

Engergetic depletion means a person is giving more loving energy than they receive. A person can feel a sense of belonging from being part of meaningful community. But in our experience the truest way to share loving energy is physically in a committed partnership.

Also some people walk with one foot in the world of Spirit.

Children growing up in an environment of insufficient love may develop dependency on numbing agents later in life. There can also be additional harms and traumas of physical/emotional or sexual nature. This can lead to negative thoughts about self stored in the energetic heart, and tension stored in the energetic tissue of the internal organs.  

Sobriety Circle

The Sobriety Circle is here for TwoEye members who wish to let go of past alcohol or drug dependency.

We make a distinction here between those who have experienced a severe history of chemical dependency and those who have not.

All members of the TwoEye Brotherhood share a desire to live free from alcohol and drugs. Yet the needs of those with a history of addiction differ from those who were just social or occasional drinkers, say.

Hence we hold space for two Circles: the Sobriety Circle and the TwoEye Circle. The TwoEye Circle is for general members who wish to live free from alcohol and drugs through our Path to Awakening, yet did not have a severe addiction history themselves.

Members of the Sobriety Circle report that they have been freed from the desire for any numbing agent by relying on our Path to Awakening. The central elements of this Path involve offering the body all the love, rest and community that it needs.

Understanding Energy


We live in a world that is overcrowded with human beings. Farmers use increasingly exhaustive and exploitative methods to keep up with the amount of food required to feed this number of people.

Some of these methods include adding to the soil animal bones, blood and flesh to increase the nutritional value for growing.

Humans are increasingly driven to steal the land and resources of their neighbours in order to survive. Most people have to work harder than the body can comfortably cope with, to afford food and shelter for themselves and their families.

This pressure means that not only is food a scarce resource, but so is love. Most people do not have the ability to share quality time with the loved ones each day around communal meals. Parents separate the children at an early age. The young no longer sleep next to the parents at night but rather they are put into a crib or later separate bedroom. There is not time for a committed adult couple to lie together and share loving energy, non-sexually or sexually.

This energetic depletion is widespread. The forces behind it are so strong that many people accept the status quo. In the TwoEye Brotherhood we are building a space of refuge and sanctuary for gay brothers where we can collectively restore the needed conditions of well-being.

We have found RestLove Retreat to be the most effective method for filling the body with all the loving energy it can hold.


RestLove Retreat offers the body limitless rest and limitless loving energy. In this way the internal organs of the torso fill to full capacity with loving energy.

These organs release the stored toxicity inside them into the bloodstream. The person temporarily feels nauseous and will probably start to cry as the body processes and releases this toxicity. Urine may be bright yellow or even orange, as the level of impurities in it is temporarily increased.
As the days progress and Dewynnyanskerensa is practiced for six to eight hours per day, the person feels stronger and stronger. The internal organs increasingly shine with light.


Alcohol and Drug dependency usually arise from energetic depletion, meaning lack of loving energy. The Way of Love and Rest offers the body all the loving energy it can hold. In this way the energetic heart is able to release the memories of trauma and harm. 

Mental Illness

Mental Illness usually arises from energetic depletion, meaning lack of loving energy. RestLove Retreat offers the body all the loving energy it can hold. In this way the energetic heart is able to release the memories of trauma and harm. 

This liver has developed cancer due to energetic depletion over several years. If an internal organ receives insufficient loving energy over a prolonged period of time, toxicity builds up in the organ to the point where cancer grows in the toxic tissue.

Physical disease such as cancer usually arises from energetic depletion. RestLove offers the body all the loving energy it can hold. In this way the energetic heart is able to release the toxicity in all internal organs that may have accumulated. 

This liver is healthy and full of loving energy. RestLove Retreat fills the organs to full capacity with loving energy.

Statement on Medication

The TwoEye Brotherhood is here for men who love men that share a desire to rely on community, love and rest.

We find that at least a third of the men who approach us have a history of long-term reliance on antidepressants, painkillers and other prescribed mind-altering medications.

We wish to welcome everyone. We are happy to support anyone to build a medication-friendly organisation under their own banner. They are welcome to take our couple retreat research and use it to meet their needs.

Completing a couple retreat means relying on loving energy and rest for the duration. Continuing to take such a medication during a retreat could be complicated.

We do not want to be party to any person temporarily ceasing their medication-taking. Again there could be risks involved during the retreat or afterwards when the person resumes the medication.

We find that persons who wish to live free from numbing agents do not co-exist well in close proximity with persons who require such medications. Especially this is the case for persons who experienced becoming addicted to prescribed painkillers, antidepressants and similar medications. We wish to support all factions to have spaces where they can feel safe. Through having many small circles and several different fellowships, the couple retreat method can be the primary spiritual practice for anyone who wishes to try it.