Our Story
The seed of the TwoEye Brotherhood was first planted in London, England in 2001. We were a small circle of men who love men, each having lost lovers to AIDS. We felt the government response to AIDS was primarily focused on limiting the spread of the disease from gay men to the wider population. There seemed to be little or no consideration of the needs and gifts of men who love men, nor of the deeper reasons that had led to the pandemic.
We felt that some of the root causes of the HIV virus spreading among gay brothers were - our true nature and gifts having no value in the family, being cast out by the family in many cases, being forced into the gay refugee camps of cities, overworking, isolation and lack of value in the wider society.
We resolved to build a brotherhood of men who love men, reclaiming the full potential of our gifts. We desired to stand in the power and beauty of our true nature. Several of us had researched the ancient pagan clans of Albion / Britain and learned that men of our kind had once stood as spiritual guardians for the people. We desired to reclaim this knowledge for the benefit of all life on Mother Earth.
Today the TwoEye Brotherhood offers a London shared meal every day of the year for men who love men. Apprentices meet in each other's private homes and welcome all gay men who wish to undertake our Path to Awakening.
In 2020 one of our initiates moved back to his home of Auckland, New Zealand. In 2021 he founded the Auckland Daily Gay Community Meal where brothers could find fellowship and friendship every day of the year.

Edward Carpenter (1844 - 1929)
Often seen as the father of reclaiming gay men's consciousness in England, Edward Carpenter researched and wrote texts about the spiritual role that TwoEye men had held in the ancient pagan clans of Albion / Britain, and in First People cultures around the world.
He determined that men of our kind had a distinct composition of Spirit that set us apart, and as a result called us Intermediate men. Firstly this means that we walk between the worlds of men and women, holding aspects of male and female spirit. Secondly we stand as intermediaries at the gateway between the people and the Spirit world. Edward knew from direct experience that our sexual union can be an energetic nourishment for spiritual awakening. For most of his adulthood Edward lived with life partner George Merrill at Millthorpe, a house he paid to have built in rural Derbyshire, north England. Edward was vegetarian and experimented with growing his own produce in the garden.
Beginning in the early 1980s a circle of British gay men formed the Edward Carpenter Community (ECC), inspired by his example to build a brotherhood of men who love men. The ECC offers several rural gatherings per year and has grown to number over 500 gay brothers. All members are volunteers and all meals served at events are vegetarian.

Millthorpe, the house where Edward Carpenter lived with life partner George Merrill.

Circle of Elders
This is made up of gay men spiritual leaders in their pagan or indigenous tradition. They are holistic health workers, energy healers, community builders, and politicians. Most have built long-standing spiritual community for men who love men.
The Circle of Elders meets regularly in-person and online to share their guidance and thus help us lay a strong foundation for Daily Gay Community Meals all over the world. They help us develop safety and well-being guidelines for RestLove retreat.
There are thirteen men on the Council who meet more frequently and oversee key decision-making. Then there are over a hundred other Elders who share their experience less frequently.
The TwoEye Brotherhood has a Circle of Traditions that help us to protect and preserve the core values. We envisage the traditions as a circle of trees protecting the brotherhood. Inside this circle we can preserve and protect the integrity of RestLove retreat.
1. SELF-SUPPORTING. We are all volunteers. As a brotherhood we decline outside funding, instead relying solely on member donations.
2. SOBRIETY. The only requirement for initiation is a desire to let go of all alcohol and drugs. We define sobriety as freedom from all mind-altering chemicals. Instead we share a desire to rely on brotherhood, love and rest.
3. COMMITTED AND LOYAL. We are not a polyamorous lineage. We share a desire to cultivate the ideal of true love with one person, forming a committed and loyal partnership for life. We each put our Anama Cara first.
4. BROTHERHOOD. Especially for single members we encourage participation in the daily gay community meal and gatherings in nature, for lasting friendship and a sense of belonging.
5. PAGAN. We advocate for gay brothers who have been harmed by organised religion, honouring the millions of TwoEye men that have been destroyed in genocide. Each man reclaims his individual pagan or indigenous TwoEye ancestry.
6. SMALL CIRCLES. When a TwoEye Brotherhood Circle reaches thirteen committed members it is time for a man to start a new Circle. We envisage many TwoEye Brotherhood Circles across Albion and around the world.
7. THE GREATER GOOD. We need always remind ourselves that the TwoEye Brotherhood is our home and many of us would perish without this spiritual family. We need always place the common welfare ahead of individual ambitions, although individual well-being is also treasured.