The Path to Awakening is an apprenticeship. The hero on his quest must pass certain tests:
- ANCESTORS. Reclaiming our place as a continuation of the TwoEye Brotherhood. This means researching and cultivating a connection with the individual's pagan or indigenous TwoEye male ancestors.
- SPIRIT. Cultivating a connection to Spirit through our hearts. In our experience there is a divine loving consciousness that animates every atom in the Universe. We each build a trust and reliance on this guiding Spirit.

- HONESTY. We put down our burden by sharing with our Elder the ways we have harmed ourselves and others. We make restitution to ourselves and others for the harms we caused.
- BROTHERHOOD. By building together the Daily Gay Community Meal we find a sense of belonging, friendship and fellowship for life.
- NATURE. As a brotherhood we regularly go back to nature for events that honour the shift in season. We honour all the animals, trees and elements that make up the energy field of Mother Earth.
- LOVE. In this context we define love as physical energy sharing with an Anam Cara / committed partner. This is the wellspring of life. The most sacred gift given to the TwoEye men is the ability to share energetic nourishment for the purpose of spiritual awakening.
- REST. We try to offer the body all the rest it needs. Where possible we go with an Anam Cara into regular Difuna retreat to replenish the energetic ecosystem of the body.
- CARRY THE MESSAGE. Having had a spiritual awakening through the Apprenticeship, we seek to share our experience with gay brothers who want what we have, and to practice longer Difuna retreats as a lifelong adventure.

We initiates each have an Elder to guide us through our Path to Awakening. The Elder-Apprentice connection is entirely non-sexual. To be accepted for the Apprenticeship, a brother will need to demonstrate that he is ready to rely on - Ancestors, Spirit, Brotherhood, Nature, Love and Rest. The only requirement for initiation is a desire to let go of all alcohol and drugs. To be an Elder, a member of the brotherhood should have completed a Difuna couple retreat of at least one month's duration.
Elder Tradition is how we protect and preserve the integrity of the Path to Awakening. We wish to treasure the values of the brotherhood and pass on Difuna retreat in pristine condition to the next generation. Most important is the preservation of sobriety as the backbone of TwoEye Brotherhood lineage.