At our Auckland / Tamaki Makaurau Centre we wish to hold space for the Tangata Whenua / People of the Land.
Maori and Pasifika have held a sacred and ancient spiritual role for Takataapui / Taane moe Taane / men who love men. We wish to support Takataapui to reclaim their traditional whakapapa / ancestry and tikanga / protocols.
We have several Takataapui elders on our Circle of Elders in Auckland: Whakawahine / trans women; and Taane moe Taane / men who love men.

From a pagan and indigenous perspective we feel the world is severely overcrowded with human beings. These ancient societies represented the number of humans who could comfortably be supported by all the animals and trees of Mother Earth. In our understanding overcrowding began in a mild way in isolated locations about ten thousand years ago with the rise of the first cities. It became moderate overcrowding with the development of most organised religion 2,000-3,000 years ago. Overcrowding became severe in the past 300 years with the rise of colonisation.
We feel the British should have stayed at home in Europe and addressed overpopulation rather than taking land, trees, animals and other resources around the world without consent. About ninety percent of Maori people were killed directly and indirectly through the arrival of Europeans in Aotearoa / New Zealand. Some of the causes of death were warfare, stolen land, alcoholism, drug addiction, disease, overworking, and spirits crushed.
TwoEye Brotherhood holds space for men who love men of all ancestries. We wish to support all brothers who are reclaiming their pagan or indigenous tradition. In this way we can help restore peace and harmony for all life of Mother Earth.